THE PAINS OF BEING PURE.. The Echo Of Pleasure LP Vinyl NEW 2017
My Only
The Garret
When I Dance With You
The Echo
Of Pleasure
Falling Apart So Slow
So True
The Cure For Death
The Pains of Being Pure at Heart have long set the benchmark for bighearted, idealistic pop songs. With The Echo of Pleasure, The Pains push beyond their many inspirati ons and embrace their role as indiepop heroes in their own right. Showcasing the deft songwriti ng of frontman Kip Berman, The Pains’ fourth album is their most confi dent and accomplished. Aft er three critically acclaimed records, 2009’s The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, 2011’s Belong and 2014’s Days of Abandon received praise from The New York Times, Pitchfork, The Guardian and Rolling Stone, they have put together a collection of songs that possess a ti meless grandeur, deeper and more satisfying than anything the band has done since their iconic debut.The record is augmented by guest vocals featuring previous Pains collaborators: Jen Goma on “So True” (A Sunny Day in Glasgow), bass guitar by Jacob Danish Sloan (Dream Diary), and horns by Kelly Pratt (Beirut, David Byrne, St. Vincent). The Pains of Being Pure at Heart live band consists of long-time guitarist Christoph Hochheim (Ablebody, ex-Depreciation Guild), bassist Jacob Danish Sloan, drummer Chris Schackerman (ex-Mercury Girls, ex-Literature) and vocalist/keyboardist Jess Rojas. The band will tour the UK in late May, returning to New York for Northside Festival in June with more selective dates set to be announced shortly. The Echo of Pleasure arrives later this summer.