Madfilth Madfilth (Self-Titled) Vinyl LP 2018
Nuclear In
Gulp It
Mad Strip
Voglio Un Cugino
Io Sono Voi
From the pumping heart of The Magnetic System comes the ‘dirtiest’ Da-Da-dancefloor anti-jams with this lost 1979 blueprint of Italian conceptual cosmic disco played by the cream of the Goblin studio band. Ultra-rare and unscrubbed, Finders Keepers finally snip the trip from the cash machine to the trash machine.
Fans of ‘other’ obtuse outernational agit-camp might find a fantasy fusion between France’s JP Massiera and Sweden’s enviroMENTAL marvel Kaptain Zoom while trying to unravel the Madfilth tangle - but rest assured there were method men behind this madness and a portal to Italian funk royalty still festers at the bottom of the psych rap scrapheap.