Brad Stank In The Midst Of You Vinyl LP Pink Transparent Smoke Colour 2024
1. Midnight Tears I
2. My New Heaven
3. Flicker On!
4. Don't Go, Don't Go
5. Long Distance
6. I Belong To You
7. Natty Wine
8. Cry Baby, Ft. Lord Apex
9. Midnight Tears II
10. In The Midst Of You
Flicker On - Writing Flicker On! was an attempt at using the candle as metaphor - it can represent something to reach for in the dark, or maybe you yourself are that light in the dark - it can represent an object of desire or the idea of enlightenment... as you can maybe see from the Long Distance video too the idea of the candle is a theme which may carry thru all the new music. Stylistically maybe a little 90s slacker vibe a la Pavement or Happyness. Started as a very bare idea that Andy really helped to bring alive in the recording process.