Training & John Three Seconds Vinyl LP 2021
1. Anthill Closeup (Schillerpark, Berlin)
2. Remorseless Dimensions
3. Fanenvuei
4. Vibrations Through The Glass (I??l’s Desk, Vienna)
5. Infinite Error Finitude
6. Sprinkler And Birds (John´S Garden, Albuquerque)
7. Sound Agave
8. Pöppel
9. Silent Phonons
10. Glocken
Keep Training! The Berlin Jazz Duo Max Andrzejewski And Johannes Schleiermacher A.K.A. TRAINING And John Dieterich (Of Deerhoof) In Virtual Vastness...
The Corona Crisis Has Presented Musicians With Difficult Tasks Over The Past Year And A Half. From Album Recordings To Tour Planning. From Emergency Aid Programmes To Improvised Streaming Concerts. There Were Few Musicians Who Dealt With The Difficult Situation As Playfully As The Two Jazz Musicians Max Andrzejewski And Johannes Schleiermacher From Berlin. Both Have Known Each Other Very Well For A Long Time And Play Together In Different Outfits. Max As A Drummer And Johannes As A Saxophonist. Both Also Like To Play Synthesizers Or Samplers. Preferably All At The Same Time. That's Why In The Corona Spring Of 2020, When They Often Only Met As A Couple To Rehearse Together, Literally Detached From Any Broader Project Ideas, The Two Musicians Found It To Be Very Fitting To Perform Their "Training Sessions" In Public. They Organised A Small Gig And It Went Viral Via The Recording Of The Berlin Music Streaming Platform Berta.Berlin.