Mckinley Dixon Beloved! Paradise! Jazz!? Vinyl LP Recycled Eco Mix Colour 2023
Recycled Eco Mix Colour Vinyl
1. Hanif Reads Toni (Feat. Hanif)
2. Sun, I Rise (Feat. Angélica Garcia)
3. Mezzanine Tippin' (Feat. Teller Bank$ & Alfred.)
4. Run, Run, Run
5. Live! From the Kitchen Table (Feat. Ghais Guevara)
6. Tyler, Forever
7. Dedicated to Tar Feather (Feat. Anjimile)
8. The Story So Far (Interlude)
9. The Story So Far (Feat. Seline Haze)
10. Beloved! Paradise! Jazz!? (Feat. Ms. Jaylin Brown)
Virginia-based rapper McKinley Dixon ventures inwards into his psyche and examines his formative influences on his fourth studio album. More refined and calculated than the dense, often frantic 'For My Mama And Anyone Who Look Like Her' album that broke him into the mainstream in 2021, it fuses hip-hop, indie and jazz elements into a compelling, artful whole.