Heir Corpse One Fly The Fiendish Skies Vinyl LP 2022
1. Take Off (Intro)
2. Rise Above Ruin
3. Ready For Impact
4. So Desperate The Desolate
5. Beyond Morality
6. Rising Out Of The Carcass
7. Colony Of Death
8. Fly The Fiendish Skies
9. Mid-Air Nightmare
10. Descent (Outro)
Heir Corpse One Is One Of The Latest Projects Of Multi-Shredder / Vocalist Rogga Johansson (Paganizer, Stygian Dark, Massacre, Blood Gut, Dead Sun, Megascavenger, Ribspreader, Putrevore, Revolting).
For This Zombie Horror-Themed Album He Teamed Up With Some Friends From The Swedish Death Metal Scene: Kjetil Lynghaug (Mordenial, Paganizer), Peter Svensson (Furnace Moon) And Marcus Rosenkvist (Assasins Blade, Void Moon).
‘Fly The Fiendish Skies’ Is A Concept Story About A Zombie Apocalypse That Starts After A Plane Cockpit Crew Crashes And Dives In A Zombie Filled Swamp. Expect Dirty Old School Swedish Death Metal As Only The Swedes Can Produce.
For Fans Of Unleashed, Grave, Entrails, Bloodbath, (Old) Entombed.