Envy Of None That Was Then This Is Now 12" Vinyl EP 2023
1. Lethe River
2. You'll Be Sorry
3. Dog's Life ( Remix )
4. Dumb ( Der Dummkopf Remix )
5. That Was Then
"Envy Of None succeed in creating a skilful balancing act between half synthetic sound adventures & organic songwriting..." - musikreviews.de
The all-star line-up of Alex Lifeson (Rush) , Andy Curran (Coney Hatch), Maiah Wynne & Alf Annibalini, continue their exponential growth of their trippy, edgy atmospheric sound that took the world by surprise, with a brand new track 'That Was Then'. The song undulates with progressive dexterity characterised by a fuzzy bass driven groove which once again features the haunting vocals & lyrics of Maiah Wynne seasoned with Alex Lifeson "sound - scaping" guitar tones & classic outro solo.
The remainder of the EP is topped off with 4 very adventurous remixes of the Envy of None tracks 'Dumkoptf' , Lethe River, 'Dog's Life' and 'You'll be Sorry' which were only previously offered on the deluxe edition of their debut record.
All tracks were written, arranged, recorded & produced by Envy of None & appear on vinyl for the first time.
'That Was Then, This Is Now' remains in canon with the band's sound of their eponymous debut whilst also pushing the boundaries & is a fantastic prologue to the next chapter of Envy of None's story as the band have been in the studio creating new music & remixes.
An essential addition to their repertoire.
All tracks are released for the first time on vinyl.