Ditz Never Exhale Cassette Tape 2025
1. V70
2. Taxi Man
3. Space/Smile
4. Senor Siniestro
5. Four
6. God On a Speed Dial
7. Smells Like Something Died in Here
8. 18 Wheeler
9. The Body As a Structure
10. Britney
The album was largely recorded at Holy Mountain studios in London during a freezing cold January. The process was frought with obstacles, the original plan, to go and record in Rhode Island, was abandoned when DITZ were offered a support tour with IDLES, although the album was still mixed by the originally intended engineer, Seth Manchester (Model/Actriz, Lingua Ignota, Big Brave). The result is an album hardened by the pressure of its own making. Laboured but not loved. The album themes reveal themselves more on further listens. The opening gambit taxi man is an exploration into what it would be like to weigh up your impact of the world. The eponymous taxi man could be seen as a St Peter type figure.