Ddamage - Brother Vs Brother Vinyl LP New 2019
1. No Recall
2. Hanakii
3. Murdarts
4. Enoshima
5. Cyclops Vision
6. Viperm
20 years of official service close with Fred, elder ofdDamage brotherhood-duo, passing away. dDamagehas always been at the raving crossroad of electronic,rock, noise and hip-hop musics. Numerous world toursfor about 600 gigs, 8 albums, over and above EPs,splits and original feature film soundtracks. Amongtheir discography, one opus in particular has JB's(second half of the duo) heart set on: Radio Ape2004, that made them the first French band to releasean album on Planet-Mu, label of Mike Paradinas, andhence enabled them to break into the internationalscene. Then came time for collaborations. Few bandscan boast about having worked with artists from sodiverse backgrounds: MF Doom, Bomb the Bass,Young Jeezy, Jon Spencer, Dose One, Faris Badwan,Krazy Baldhead, Pierre Richard, Otto Von Schirach,Bernard Fevre, or even Christ first member of Boardsof Canada (and many more). dDamage brothers wereparticularly proud to have brought together suchdifferent artists, to have crushed all these styles, whilealways preserving their unique sound. In this crazywhirlwind, they were lacking one thing since RadioApe: a new album focused on themselves, Fred & JB.And here it is, it will be the final one, Brother vsBrother, they have composed it together, togetheruntil the last note. Artwork by Elzo Durt.